Primal prey weapons
Primal prey weapons

primal prey weapons

With only one small location to hunt, which is constantly plagued by fog, rain, or other view obstructing elements, hunting can get old quick. That with the fact that weapons can be lost if the player is killed during a hunt can lead to frustrating gameplay. With over-priced equipment and under-paying missions, it can take quite awhile to obtain any effective hunting gear.

primal prey weapons

There is no real plot, just the player grabbing some gear and shooting dinosaurs. And although they are all from Cretaceous North America, they range from 120-65 million years in age, so are not all from the exact same time. However, the game is basically a spin-off of Carnivores, just with different dinosaurs that often glitch (running in circles, using other dinosaurs' cries, walking at the bottom of a pond, etc.). The graphics were criticized for being too foggy and not as good as Carnivores, but the dinosaurs still look realistic and occasionally interact with each other. Critics agree that Primal Prey features a wide variety of weapons and equipment, along with a nice array of unique dinosaurs. The game has been met with mixed to negative reviews. Make sure you know your mission objective, your weapons, your limitations, but most of all. This is hunting in a very primitive setting, but also hunting with very advanced technology. You must also learn the abilities and limitations of each of the weapons available to you, as they will be the tools that keep you alive. In Primal Prey, to succeed and stay alive, you must learn the dinosaurs' world. Armed only with your pistol and hunting skill you pick a mission. There's only a small ammount of money left over to purchase a tranquilizing pistol. With some private funding you are able to purchase the time necessary to take on a few of these specialized missions. A portal to the Cretaceous period has been made available to you. Although you've been given clearance to travel, it takes a substantial ammount of money to buy your travel time. The government has very strict regulations about where and when Time Travelers can go. You are one of the chosen few Time Travelers. Public and private groups often seek out these chosen civilians for special missions. After a rigorous battery of physical and mental testing only a handful of civilians are allowed to access to the government controlled time portals.

Primal prey weapons